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<title>Colors in css</title>
/* colors are used in css that can of th ethree typesfrst is called the color in rgb next is color name andthird ius by #ffffff these are all the color formats that are used in the css and let disscuss all of them */
/* fierst fo all we discuss about the color by the name it is aa property uin which we used the color by the name and this is veryusfull when we just find out our favourite color with very fast spedd we just write the color then just click it will show the color by its name as a list and with a little bloch where we cna find out the our favourite color */
color: cadetblue;
/* ere is the second number colorization mathod inthis method we simply write colors value in the brackets that is fololowed by the rgb code and which shows that the first color is red and g menas tha green and b means blue and these are all have the specific values and these values are from zero to 265 and these fronm zero to 265 can contain thousands of the colors that are used and it is very simple mehtid to use this and this method is that we sijmple put our cursor on the rgb then this cursor slides up the block which contains all colors and we can selec one c olor from all of them and this color will written in its specific rgb value this is all about the rgb colors */
color :rgb(212, 73, 224);
/* here is the third number color styling in this styling we simply write down the color number qand this color number has a manner that is like 1 to 15 which is 0-9 then will write A B C D E F which will show the properties and will writen in fprm of six numnber and start frm the # mark and first two number will show red next 2 number will show green and next two numbers will show blue and its minimum value of the every number is start from zerio ands maximum value of the number is ed at the ff and in between all numbers are shwo different color properties these color can e also showd by the three numbers after the mark first show red then green and then blue staet from o to f this is the thrid method to colorization */
<p class="num1">
this is first color paragraph thta is used by the color and
<p class="num1">
this paragraph cna show the color in the css that are used by the name of the color
<p class="num2">
this paragraph cna show the color in the css that are used by the red green blue of the color
<p class="num3">
this paragraph cna show the color in the css that are used by the #ffffff of the color