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<title>Inroduction to Cascading Style sheet Css</title>
<p>Css cascading style sheet is besically a language that work with html not only itself it is work so html is essentail for the css but css is not more essantial but it is used for the styling so create an effective website we should use css and also many other languages like jawa and bootstrap etc.</p>
<p>cascading style sheet has three types
<li>Internal cascading style sheet</li>
<li>External cascading style sheet</li>
<li>inline cascading style sheet</li>
<li><b>Intrenal Css</b>
<li>It is a type of the css in which we write the styles of css that are apply on any tage are written on the top of the sheet with styles and this thing is usefull only when we use style for onluy a spacial sheet with html tages and have unique properties </li>
<li>There properties are written in page and it should be on top</li></ol>
<li><b>Inline Css</b>
<li>it is the typeof css in which we write the properties in hte line of the tag whare we wanna aply it but it is not be more recomnded because if we wanna write humnddered line with same properties then we should wrtie timw property fior the spacila tag each also it may create many disordernes because when we ooen latter to study then it may not more helpfull for us
<li><b>External Css</b>
<li>It is a type of css in which we create a saprate stye sheet to apply properties on html tag and this css is more recomandeed when we create a website because of its separate deffinations .
In this style sheet we create an other spread sheet with extention .css an dthis extantion used for cascading style sheet an dall properties writen in this tag can be applied on the html by linked up this css page to html page
<!-- this is basic intro of the cascading style sheet ands we wil study more about itsz types in next ;lecture -->
<p><strong>Thanks You</strong></p>