CSS3 Properties and values - Properties of CSS3 - Values in CSS3
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) or XML (Extensible Markup Language). CSS allows web developers to define the style, layout, and appearance of a web page.
In CSS, properties are the attributes that define the presentation of an element on a web page. Each property has a value that determines how the element will look or behave.
Here is a list of some of the most common CSS properties and their values:
Font Properties:
- font-family: specifies the font family for text
- font-size: specifies the size of the text
- font-weight: specifies the weight of the text
- font-style: specifies the style of the text
- color: specifies the color of text
- background-color: specifies the background color of an element
- Border Properties:
- border-style: specifies the style of the border
- border-width: specifies the width of the border
- border-color: specifies the color of the border
Layout Properties:
- width: specifies the width of an element
- height: specifies the height of an element
- margin: specifies the margin around an element
- padding: specifies the padding within an element
Display Properties:
- display: specifies how an element is displayed
- visibility: specifies whether an element is visible or not
Positioning Properties:
- position: specifies the position of an element
- top: specifies the distance between the top edge of an element and the top edge of its containing element
- bottom: specifies the distance between the bottom edge of an element and the bottom edge of its containing element
- left: specifies the distance between the left edge of an element and the left edge of its containing element
- right: specifies the distance between the right edge of an element and the right edge of its containing element
Text Properties:
- text-align: specifies the alignment of text
- text-decoration: specifies the decoration of text (underline, overline, etc.)
- text-transform: specifies the capitalization of text (uppercase, lowercase, etc.)
These are just a few of the many CSS properties and values available. Understanding how to use CSS properties and values is essential for creating professional-looking web pages.