Selector in CSS - How to use Selector in CSS - Comeplete Selector in CSS
In CSS, selectors are used to target specific HTML elements for styling. Here is a list of all the selector types in CSS:
Type selectors: Targets elements based on their tag name, such as h1, p, div, etc.
Class selectors: Targets elements with a specific class attribute, using the .classname syntax.
ID selectors: Targets a single element with a specific ID attribute, using the #idname syntax.
Universal selectors: Targets all elements on the page, using the * syntax.
Attribute selectors: Targets elements with a specific attribute and value, using the [attribute=value] syntax.
Child selectors: Targets elements that are direct children of a parent element, using the parent > child syntax.
Descendant selectors: Targets elements that are descendants of a parent element, using the ancestor-descendant syntax.
Adjacent sibling selectors: Targets elements that are immediately adjacent to a specified element, using the element + sibling syntax.
General sibling selectors: Targets elements that are siblings of a specified element, using the element ~ sibling syntax.
Pseudo-classes: Targets elements based on their state or position in the document, using the :pseudo-class syntax. Examples include :hover, :focus, :first-child, :nth-child(), etc.
Pseudo-elements: Targets specific parts of an element, such as the first letter or line of text, using the ::pseudo-element syntax. Examples include ::first-letter, ::before, ::after, etc.
Attribute selectors with prefixes and suffixes: Targets elements with attribute values that start or end with a specific value, using the [attribute^=value] and [attribute$=value] syntax, respectively.
Attribute selectors with substrings: Targets elements with attribute values that contain a specific value, using the [attribute*=value] syntax.
These selector types can be combined and nested to create complex selector chains that target very specific elements on the page.
In CSS, selectors are used to target specific HTML elements on a web page and apply styles to them. Selectors are a key component of CSS and enable web designers and developers to create visually appealing and responsive websites.
Here's a guide to using selectors in CSS:
Type selectors:
Type selectors target elements based on their tag name, such as <h1>, <p>, or <div>. For example, to apply a style to all <h1> tags on a page, use the following selector:
h1 {
/* Styles here */
Class selectors:
Class selectors target elements based on their class attribute, using the . syntax. For example, to apply a style to all elements with the class my-class, use the following selector:
.my-class {
/* Styles here */
ID selectors:
ID selectors target a single element with a specific ID attribute, using the # syntax. For example, to apply a style to an element with the ID my-id, use the following selector:
#my-id {
/* Styles here */
Universal selectors:
Universal selectors target all elements on the page, using the * syntax. For example, to apply a style to all elements on a page, use the following selector:
* {
/* Styles here */
Attribute selectors:
Attribute selectors target elements with a specific attribute and value, using the [attribute=value] syntax. For example, to apply a style to all <a> tags with the attribute href="#top", use the following selector:
a[href="#top"] {
/* Styles here */
Descendant selectors:
Descendant selectors target elements that are descendants of a parent element, using the ancestor descendant syntax. For example, to apply a style to all <li> tags that are descendants of a <ul> tag, use the following selector:
ul li {
/* Styles here */
Pseudo-classes target elements based on their state or position in the document, using the :pseudo-class syntax. Examples include :hover, :focus, :first-child, :nth-child(), etc. For example, to apply a style to all links when they are hovered over, use the following selector:
a:hover {
/* Styles here */
Pseudo-elements target specific parts of an element, such as the first letter or line of text, using the ::pseudo-element syntax. Examples include ::first-letter, ::before, ::after, etc. For example, to add a "read more" arrow after a heading, use the following selector:
h2::after {
content: "→";
These are just a few examples of the many types of selectors available in CSS. By mastering selectors, you can create powerful and flexible styles that bring your web designs to life.